Please note that all calculations are optimistic. Simply put, it means that all abilities are assumed to hit and proc all effects
at their maximum value, attack and item ability ranges are ignored, and abilities will use the most efficient
use of their time.
Items are searchable by name, rarity and specific tags.
All items should have their stats implemented.
Health regeneration should be properly accounted for.
All timed effects that are implemented should be accurate to within a single tick, including health regeneration.
Many item passives are fully or partially implemented. If the item gives a stat as part of an effect, it
should be implemented. Unique passives that are not implemented are clearly documented in the item description.
Basic attacks are enabled by default. However, champions who gain special abilities, effects, or otherwise alter how their basic
attacks work will not have their special abilities added. Only standard basic attacks are calculated at the moment.
Selectable levels, so you can see your stats at any level with any item. Do you want to see what a full tank Caitlyn's stats look like?
Go for it!
Proper item limits should be enforced.
What I am hoping to add:
Crowd control or state altering effects, including Zhonya's and Guardian Angel.
Scalable items and items that rely on stacks.
Ability icons for each champion with proper tooltips, including current cooldown with your item loadout.
Adding champions as I go. This will take a while...
Adding remaining item abilities. This will also take a while...
Eventual overhaul of the current time-based system. Currently, all actions happen sequentially which isn't ideal. Instead of anything happening
at the same time, all actions happen after the previous action. For example: lets say that two champions with 0.5 attack speed attack four times
and at the same time. In the game, this would take ~2 seconds, but in this program, the total time would be ~4 seconds and attacks are processed
in the order they are entered. This especially has an effect on health/mana regeneration and any damage over time effects.